Security National Master Holding Company, LLC

Polling Shows Majority of Eurekans Want Housing and Parking

Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates (FM3) recently completed a survey of likely November 2024 voters in the City of Eureka assessing their attitudes toward community issues.[i]   The survey found a strong preference for maintaining parking downtown to support a vibrant center for art, culture, and tourism and to convert the Jacobs Middle School site into housing. Key findings of the survey include:

  • Eureka voters widely agree that the Jacobs Middle School Site should become housing rather than regional headquarters for the California Highway Patrol. Three in five agree that the site should become housing, including affordable housing, while 22% believe it should become a regional headquarters for the highway patrol (16% did not have a preference).
  • More than three in five Eureka voters favor maintaining parking downtown to keep the area vibrant. When asked to choose between maintaining parking in downtown to keep it a vibrant center for art, culture and tourism or removing parking lots to use the sites as affordable housing, 62% preferred maintaining parking and 30% favored removing the lots (8% did not have a preference).

Click here to read the full memo from FM3

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Housing for All