We encourage everyone to attend the Town Hall on Tuesday, January 23rd, 6-7:30pm, at Eureka City Hall, 531 K Street (2nd Floor Council Chambers).
Attendees can also participate via Zoom:
Zoom Meeting ID: 822 2848 2819
Passcode: 769573
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82228482819?pwd=Zjhhak5CSXlzMGtqWFJsdUZIc2lDZz09
We think the Jacobs Campus is an excellent location for housing, which is why we've included it in the Initiative.
- The Housing for All Initiative works to increase the housing supply in Eureka, bringing down its cost and making it more affordable - especially for working- and middle-income families.
- The Initiative identified the former Jacobs Middle School site for rezoning because it is an excellent site for badly needed housing for Eureka. The Jacobs site can accommodate a significant portion of the housing required to meet the state-mandated numbers, reducing the number and impact of the units needed to be built by a developer in downtown Eureka.
- Once the Initiative is passed and the Jacobs site is rezoned, it is envisioned a process whereby the community and the new owner work together to build housing well-integrated with the surrounding neighborhood, making it a crown jewel in the Eureka community.
- Located adjacent to an existing bus line and proximate to stores and services, the development of the Jacobs site into housing would reduce reliance on automobiles, increase the use of transit, including state-of-the-art technology to conserve energy, and minimize the carbon footprint that new housing ordinarily entails.
The Initiative is called "Housing for All and Downtown Vitality" because it enables the city and private developers to provide housing for all, especially working- and middle-income families, while preserving the economic vitality of downtown and sustaining the local economy.