Security National Master Holding Company, LLC

A Yes Vote Would Prevent an “Old Town Ghost Town”

At Halloween, we are eerily reminded of the haunting words from Eureka’s Downtown and Old Town small business owners and customers who warned of a future “Old Town Ghost Town.”

A YES vote on Measure F can prevent it.

Recorded public testimony captured it all. Plea after plea, members of the public warned council members that the city’s quick-fix housing plan would have a detrimental impact on the city and would harm small businesses.

Yet, with their minds made up in private and unwilling to do a bit more work with community members to find a workable solution for all Eurekans, the city council voted publicly to ignore them and take a state grant for a shortcut housing plan that eliminates needed downtown parking.

Because the council didn’t listen or engage, it was clear to many that the only way to get public input was to take it to a vote of the people.

Yes on Measure F compiled the testimony from several years at various city council meetings and a planning commission meeting, where then-chair Jeff Ragan lambasted the council’s haste and lack of public engagement.

View the compilation of compelling public testimony at Eureka City Council meetings from community leaders, downtown merchants, property owners, and members of the public asking elected leaders for help and requesting to be part of a public discussion process.

Remember: Measure F does two important things for Eureka:

  • Measure F saves our Downtown shops,restaurants, and small businesses by ensuring they have the accessible parkingthey need to keep their doors open.

  • Measure F rezones and opens the vacant Jacobs site for desperately needed residential housing.

You be the judge and exercise your right to be heard by voting YES on Measure F.

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Housing for All