Security National Master Holding Company, LLC

Yes on F Puts Housing and the economic vitality of eureka first

YES on Measure F will make desperately needed housing possible for Eureka both Downtown AND at the vacant Jacobs site while also protecting small businesses.

YES on Measure F, the Housing for All and Downtown Vitality Initiative, before voters in November is simple. It offers a path forward to:

  • Open up the Jacobs site for hundreds of units of housing for working- and middle-income families.
    • This is in addition to the affordable housing the city is also planning to build.
  • Save our Downtown small businesses by making sure they have the accessible parking they need to survive.

We all want the best for Eureka's future. YES on F provides a way to both protect Downtown and address the need for more housing. Let's choose the path to a thriving Eureka. Vote Yes on Measure F!


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Housing for All